Legal Notice

Corporate data

Registered office:
Via Napoleone III, 66
00185 Roma, Italia

Terms and conditions of use

Welcome at (hereinafter the " Web-Site”).


The use of the Site is subject to the following terms and conditions of use (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions of Use"). Access to this Site implies the unconditional acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions of Use, their mandatory nature and, in the case of online purchases made on this Site, the related general conditions of sale. If the user does not accept all the Terms and Conditions of Use, please leave the Site immediately. The Site is managed by Re&x, an Italian company based in Via Napoleone III 66, 00185 Rome, Italy. The products offered on the Site are sold directly by Re&x. Re&x reserves the right, at its sole discretion, at any time and without notice, to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site. The use of the Site following the execution of such changes implies acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use in their modified version.

1. Intellectual Property Rights

The Site, considered in its entirety, and all the material contained therein, as well as the “Re&x” brand are owned by and registered by Re&x, based in Italy in Via Napoleone III 66, 00185, Rome. All trademarks and logos, whether registered or not, present on the Site, including, but not limited to, the "Re&x" brand and all other characteristic signs connected and reproduced on the Site, are and will remain the exclusive property of Prada S.p.A. These trademarks and signs may not be used with reference to any product or service not originating from Re&x and, in any case, in such a way as to create confusion in users or to denigrate or discredit the "Re&x" name and brand and products marked with the "Re&x ". The user acknowledges and accepts that the Site and all the contents contained therein, including, but not limited to, all text, information, data, images, icons, photographs, illustrations, multimedia contents (graphics, audio and video), graphics , indexes, descriptions, data, software, HTML codes and screens included therein and other similar contents (collectively hereinafter the "Content"), are owned by or are in concession to Re&x and are subject to the protections provided for by international laws on intellectual property , including, but not limited to, rights relating to patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks, service marks, moral rights, know-how and any other similar rights recognized by law or international conventions in any country or jurisdiction of the world. The material contained in the Site, with the exception of the "e-store" section, is presented for informational or promotional purposes only. The use of the Site is permitted only for private, personal and non-commercial purposes. The user may, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use, except as otherwise indicated on the Site, access, download, copy, record in memory, manipulate, reformat, print or display any Content for which he has obtained authorized access , solely for your personal, non-commercial use. The user may not reproduce, download, copy, record in memory, manipulate, reformat, print, display, publish, transmit, distribute the Content or create a work deriving from the Site Content or from its use for purposes other than personal and non-commercial use, nor therefore offer for sale or in any case make any other use of the Site or the Content included therein.In any case of use of the Site, whether permitted or not, no right, title and / or interest deriving or relating to the Content, material or software of the Site is to be considered transferred to the user or acquired by the same. The user agrees to abide by all notices regarding copyright or trademarks and other notifications included in the Site and in the Content. All rights reserved in all countries of the world.

2. Disclaimer

The Site and its Content are offered to the user exclusively in the state in which they are found and according to availability, without guarantees of any kind, either explicit or implicit. No attestation of facts or any guarantee may derive from the written information provided through the Site or in relation to its Content, including, but not limited to, the guarantees of ownership or safety from harmful programs (such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses ) or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Re & x expressly disclaims any attestation of facts and guarantees.In no event can Re & x be held responsible (in any capacity, whether contractual or extra-contractual) for any direct, indirect, incidental, accessory or other financial or non-pecuniary purely by way of example, damage due to loss of profit or income, loss of data or programming, even if the possibility that such damages may occur has been reported to Re & x) deriving from:

(a) your use of the Site, including, but not limited to, any loss or damage caused by any delay, inaccuracy, error or omission with respect to, any information obtained from or through the Site.

(b) any transaction undertaken through or from the Site.

(c) inability of the user to use the Site for any reason, including, but not limited to, communication error or any other failure to transmit or deliver any information obtained on or through the Site.

(d) cancellation, correction, damage, loss or failure to store any information relating to or transmitted on the Site.

(e) use of any product or service obtained from or through the Site.

(f) unauthorized access to the Site and unauthorized alteration authorized transmission or data.

(g) statements or conduct of third parties on the Site

(h) any other matter in any way connected to the Site.

By using the Site, therefore, the user undertakes to bear all the risks associated with such use, indemnifying Re&x from any damage arising from or caused by the use of this Site or related to it. Re&x will make every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained on the Site, but cannot in any way guarantee that such information is complete, accurate and always up to date, and that the Site does not contain imperfections or that any imperfections will be corrected. If the legislation in force does not allow the limitations of liability or the exclusion of the implied warranties described above, these exclusions and limitations may not be applicable in whole or in part to the user. Any reference to any products or services that are states or that may be provided by Re&x or any other company authorized for this purpose by Re&x does not constitute a promise that such products or services will be available at any time. Changes or improvements to these products or services may be made at any time without prior notice. The material shown on the Site may still contain inaccuracies or typos. Re&x cannot be held responsible in any way for any inaccuracies and errors or for losses or damage caused or resulting from the reliance made by users on the information obtained from this Site or through it. It is the user's responsibility to evaluate the information and content obtainable through the Site. In any case, Re&x reserves the right, at any time, to modify or temporarily or permanently disable the Site (or any part of it) with or without notice. The user acknowledges that Re&x will not be liable to him or to third parties for any modification, suspension or interruption of the Site.

3. Sending material through the Site

The user acknowledges that any proposals, projects, concepts, photographs, contributions or any other content and material (excluding personal data) communicated or sent to Re&x through this Site or by other means (hereinafter the "Material") not constitute confidential material and are not the property of the sender, but will become and will remain the property of Re&x. Any such communications or material sending by the user implies the transfer to Re&x of all rights, titles and interests, including those deriving from copyright, in the material sent. Re&x is not required, nor will it be required in the future: (i) to keep any material sent by the user confidential; (ii) to pay any compensation for the use of the material sent or in relation to it; (iii) to respond to the mailings of Material or to confirm receipt. The user declares and guarantees that the Submitted Material does not in any way violate any rights of third parties, including, by way of example and not limited to, the rights relating to copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial secrets, confidentiality and other rights of property or personal nature. By submitting a Material, the user acknowledges the right, but not the obligation, of Re&x to copy, publish, distribute or use said Material, or part of it, for any purpose, including, by way of example only, for advertising, promotional, product development or other commercial purposes, without giving the user or third parties the right to receive compensation. The user is and will be solely responsible for the content of any material sent.

4. Cookies

To ensure the functioning of the Site and improve the service offered, including the sending of advertising messages in line with user preferences, cookies are used on the Site. Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. The user can at any time disable the operation of cookies by resetting their browser to refuse all cookies or to be notified when a cookie is sent. However, the refusal of cookies could prevent the use of some features of the Site.For more information, to know the cookies used on the Site and possibly disable them and / or deny consent, please refer to the cookie policy.

5. Privacy

Re&x recognizes the importance for its users to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of their non-public personal data (collectively hereinafter "Personal Data"). In general, it is possible to access and browse the Site without providing Personal Data. However, in some cases users may be required to provide, in a conscious and voluntary manner, some Personal Data to participate and access certain activities, functions and services of the Site. For the purpose of using these functions / sections of the Site, the user undertakes to read the related privacy policy by expressing, where required, their consent to the processing of data and agrees to provide information in a truthful, accurate, updated and complete way. Personal Data are processed - mainly with electronic tools - by the Owner of the Treatment, as identified in the relative privacy policy. The Personal Data will in no case be disclosed to indeterminate subjects. At any time, the user can exercise his rights in accordance with the applicable laws on the protection of personal data including the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of his personal data from the Data Controller, to know its origin and to obtain its integration, updating, rectification, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of treatments in violation of the law or to oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons, as well as to revoke any consent to the processing provided, by writing to:

6. Links to other sites

The Site may contain links to access other sites owned by third parties. These sites may contain and be governed by their own terms and conditions of use or have no terms and / or conditions. Re&x assumes no responsibility for such sites and provides such links only to support users. Such links could lead to advertisers, content providers or other companies that could use the “Re&x” logo and / or graphics following a co-branding agreement. These sites may send their cookies to the user and may collect information and use the same in a manner inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions of Use. Furthermore, having no control over such sites and external sources, Re&x cannot be held responsible for them and, therefore, declines from now on any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services and any other material available on, or disseminated by , such sites or external sources. Furthermore, Re&x cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss, real or alleged, resulting from the use or from the trust placed in the content, or in the products and services available on such sites or external sources.

7. Security

The security of data transmitted over the Internet is not guaranteed to be completely secure. It is possible that third parties, beyond Re&x's control, may be able to intercept transmissions or private communications transmitted on the Site without the permission or without the knowledge of Re&x. Re&x is committed as far as possible to protect the user's personal information; however, it cannot ensure or guarantee the security of any information transmitted by the user. Such data transmissions are carried out at the user's risk and Re&x cannot be held responsible in any way for any breach of security, which is not directly attributable to the negligent behavior of Re&x itself.

8. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of use

By accessing the Site, the user declares and warrants that he (a) accepts these Terms and Conditions of Use; (b) to always use the Site in accordance with the same Terms and Conditions of Use. The user also declares to indemnify and hold Re & x harmless from any damage, cost, liability, legal action, judgment, penalty, expense, obligation, loss, claim, action, cost and expense (including, but not limited to, fees and legal fees), relating to, or arising from, any violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use or any use of the Site by the user.

9. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The user is aware of the fact that by accessing the Site, he accepts Italian law. These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed and construed in accordance with Italian law and any action arising out of, or relating to the Terms and Conditions of Use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rome, Italy. It is understood that, with regard to the correct interpretation of these Terms and Conditions of Use, in the event of any discrepancy between the original text in Italian and its translation in any other language, the original text in Italian will be considered as a binding version.

Last update: 18 January 2021